China LNG Shipping (CLNG), Greek shipowner Dynagas, and Sinotrans Shipping have forged a USD1.59 billion deal to order five arctic LNG carriers for the Yamal LNG project.
The three parties will take a 25.5%, 49%, and 25.5% stake, respectively, in the vessels, according to a 21 September stock exchange filing by China Merchants Energy Shipping (CMES).
CLNG is a joint venture between Dalian Ocean Shipping and CMES.
This is CMES’s second batch of orders for LNG carriers to be deployed in the Yamal LNG project.
In July 2014 CMES and Teekay teamed up to invest in six Yamal Arctic LNG carriers.
As of 30 June, CMES’s LNG tanker fleet remained at six, with 10 newbuildings on order.
This post was sourced from IHS Maritime 360: View the original article here.