By MarEx 2015-07-21 15:17:46
The captain of the chemical tanker, M/T Quercianella, which is owned by Navigazione de Cabatoggio of Italy was arrested on July 6th for attempting to sail while drunk from the Eastham docks in Merseyside, UK. Samdro Carnemolla, 53, from Sicily was fined GBP 1,000 ($1,550) and given a four-month suspended sentence.
The marine pilot who had boarded the vessel for departure called the police becasue he thought the captain was drunk. The police adminstered a breath analysis test, which he failed, and arrested him. Carnemolla told the court that he was under a lot stress and had his last drink two hours before sailing. His defense attorney offered the court that there were two deck officers onboard capable and licensed to sail the tanker, which was transporting 11,000 tons of petroleum products.
This post was sourced from Maritime Executive: View original article here.