A new survey reveals that not only is internet access for seafarers for personal use on board ships more widespread and available than previously imagined, but also that the positive benefits ...
New Survey Paints Positive Picture for Seafarer Internet Access
InterManager Survey Reveals Widespread Concern at Enclosed Space Deaths
"Seafarers and dock workers are still dying while working in enclosed spaces on board vessels because there is not enough understanding throughout the shipping industry of the risks faced by today’s ...
New guidance on arrested and detained vessels and abandoned seafarers
New guidance is now available to assist welfare organisations dealing with incidents of seafarers being abandoned and vessels being arrested or detained. The booklet, entitled Arrested and Detained ...
New rule benefits seafarers
New regulation benefiting mariners in the US has come into force, following years of effort from organisations and individuals from many sectors of the industry. When the rule was initially proposed, ...
Shipowners worried for crew after vessel hijacking by migrants
Lloyds List 29 March: SEAFARERS are in danger of facing traumatic conformations with the people they rescue at sea, the International Chamber of Shipping has warned after a bunkering tanker was ...
Careers mapped out for young and women seafarers
The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) welcomed the roadmap agreed at a tripartite meeting in Geneva last week to address the gap in recruitment and retention of seafarers and the ...
First Regional Meeting on the Fair Treatment of Seafarers Manila, November 13, 2018
The First Regional Meeting of Asia’s leading seafaring nations took place in Manila in November, and highlighted the plight many seafarers face in the event of a maritime accident. Senior figures from ...
Press Release: ITF welcomes the Manila statement about the fair treatment of seafarers
International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) general secretary Stephen Cotton, and a delegation of ITF unions, is at a regional meeting in Manila, the Philippines, of Asia’s leading seafaring ...
Press Release: Asian seafaring nations announce first ever Manila Statement on the Fair Treatment of Seafarers
A Regional Meeting of Asia’s leading seafaring nations has highlighted the plight many seafarers face in the event of a maritime accident and has pledged to lead the drive towards proper and effective ...
Professor Alastair Couper 1931-2018
We are very sad to announce the death, on 12 September 2018, of a valued friend and member of the SRI Advisory Board, Professor Alastair Couper. Alastair was a true and loyal friend to seafarers; ...