Last Week:
21st September – Liverpool – Youngship event – Capt. Kuba Szymanski speaking
23rd ILG Meeting – London – Capt. Paddy McKnight representing InterManager
24th September – London – IMO – World Maritime Day – Capt. Kuba Szymanski chairing panel
This Week:
28-29 September – MONALISA 2 Advisory Group Meeting – Capt. Kuba Szymanski representing InterManager
01-02 October Montreal – Maritime Founders Meeting + NAMMA Conference – Capt. Kuba Szymanski representing
Looking forward:
14 October – Athens – Seagull User Forum – Capt. Kuba Szymanski Attending
12-13 November – Manila – Manning and Training Conference – President Gerardo Borromeo representing InterManager
Discounts and offers for members:
Special 15% discount for InterManager members in the Piraeus GLAROS Hotel. The Hotel Management has confirmed it is willing to offer InterManager members (15%) off its internet prices if booked from their web site, www.glaros-hotel.gr/ This discount cannot be combined with any other discounts. You only need to mention you are an “InterManager member” in the “Comments and Special Requests” section of the web site and/or mention your company is an “InterManager member” when you check into the hotel.
Ship Efficiency:
Name: 12th Ballast Water Management Summit
Location: Singapore
Dates: 16th -17th September 2015
Contact Name: Mohammad Ahsan
Contact Telephone: +44 (0) 203 141 0606
Contact E-mail: mahsan@acieu.net
Website Link: http://www.wplgroup.com/aci/conferences/eu-mbw12.asp
Agenda Link: http://v11.vuturevx.com/exchange-sites/Whitmore%20Group/59/events-pdfs-eu/mbw12-agenda-mkt.pdf
15% Discount Code for members / subscribers: MBW12MA15
Essential Guide for Shipowners: Preparing Plans for Selection, Installation and Operating BWT Systems
ACI’s 12th Ballast Water Management has taken a forefront position on the agenda of many ship owners & operators as more and more states continue to ratify the IMO Ballast Water Convention. The 12th Ballast Water Management Summit will provide you with an overview from key regulators and classification societies, case studies of ship owners’ operational experiences and their implementation experiences through the process of selection and integration of ballast water systems. This year, there will be greater comparison between different technologies to give a better overview of available systems and expert guidance on your selection process.
Install Ballast Water Management System Now or Wait for IMO Ratification
Operations in US Waters: What You Need to Know
IMO Assembly adjustments to the implementation of the Ballast Water Management Convention
Alternate Management System (AMS): What are Your Options?
Exemptions from ballast water management requirements
What are the Alternatives to Ballast Water Management: Ballast Free Ships?
Long-Term Maintenance Plans for Ballast Water Management Systems
Crew Training: Efficient Use of Ballast Water Management Systems
For more information & registration, please contact Mohammad Ahsan on +44 (0) 203 141 0606 or mahsan@acieu.net
Ballast Water Management Technology North America
24 – 25 September 2015, Miami
Overcoming regulatory barriers and reducing shipowner risk
Join our 2015 BWMTech community and meet 120+ key industry players from across the globe, network with 80+ shipowners and receive 14+ hours of content to find the solutions that you need.
Quote VIP code FKT2892IMCL to save 20%
Offshore Marine Crewing 8 – 9 October 2015, Oslo
Bridging the gap between technology advances and crewing competency.
– DOF Subsea reveal how they retain competency during this tough market
– Havila Shipping ASA and ABC Maritime discuss the opportunities for crewing during the fluctuant oil price
– Axis Offshore reveal their innovative recruitment techniques using psychometric testing for the accommodation market
For more information or to register please visit: http://www.informamaritimeevents.com/FKT2858IMNL
Quote VIP code FKT2858IMNL to save 20%
17-25th October 2015 – The next Ship Superintendents’ Training Course is confirmed on the Isle of Man.
Attracting delegates from all areas within the industry, this excellent foundation in maritime operations covers 43 topics ranging from dry-docking to legal issues and insurance. For further information contact enquiries@emcs.co.im or visit www.emcs.co.im
Future Fuels For Shipping 20 – 21 October 2015, London
Assessing the technical viability of using alternative marine fuels.
– Market outlook on trends for fuel supply, demand and investment
– Spotlight on pricing of LNG and gas products
– Hear from Norsepower on project developments for a wind powered vessel
For more information or to register please visit: http://www.lloydsmaritimeacademy.com/FKT2976IMNL
Quote VIP code FKT2976IMNL to save 20%
Green Ship Technology North America
17 – 18 November 2015, Washington DC
Harmonising global industry regulations and promoting sustainability in shipping
Attend GST North America and meet 250+ green shipping professionals, hear from 60+ expert speakers and gain a unique opportunity to network with our Green Ship Technology community.
Quote VIP code FKT2946IMCL to save 20%
Attend GST North America and meet 250+ green shipping professionals, hear from 60+ expert speakers and gain a unique opportunity to network with our Green Ship Technology community.
Quote VIP code FKT2946IMNL to save 20%
ACI’s 3rd Port Security Summit will be taking place in Bremen, Germany on the 25th & 26th of November 2015. The event also includes a site visit to the Bremen/Bremerhaven Port on 24th November for a limited number of conference attendees.
Delegates will be drawn from Chief Security Officers, Head of Port Security, Terminal/ Container Managers, Safety and Security Managers, Operations and Maintenance Managers, Harbour Masters, Head of Supply Hain Security, Cargo Security Managers, Ministers of Shipping and Defence and those in similar roles.
The Event will also be attended by Port & Vessel Equipment Manufacturers, Port Security Solution providers, and I.T Suppliers showcasing the latest cutting-edge technologies.
For further information or to register your attendance contact:
Rohan Baryah
Tel: + 48 6164 67022
Email: rbaryah@acieu.net
Please click here to check the latest agenda >> AGENDA
InterManager members are entitled to 10% discount
Here’s a 50w summary for the Flexible Marine Power and Propulsion Solutions Conference:
Flexible Marine Power and Propulsion Solutions Conference
7 – 8 December 2015 | Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel, Oslo
Examining the options for integrated hybrid and electric power to increase ship versatility.
Save 10% with Intermanager – click here: http://www.informamaritimeevents.com/FKT2964IMWL
Quote VIP code: FKT2964IMWL to claim your discount.
And here’s one for the BWMTech Conference:
Ballast Water Management Technology Conference
8 – 9 December 2015 | Congress Centre, London
Preparing the industry for Convention ratification and BWMS application
Save 10% with Intermanager – click here: http://www.informamaritimeevents.com/FKT2884IMWL
Quote VIP code: FKT2884IMWL to claim your discount.
5th Condition Based Maintenance Conference
We are delighted to announce this years Condition Based Maintenance Conference will take place on 9th-10th December 2015 in London. Addressing the key technical and technological issues surrounding condition based maintenance, this conference will bring together key industry figures for a highly interactive, and discussion led two-day event. For Further information click http://conferences.imarest.org/
Brgds Kuba
Capt. Kuba Szymanski
Secretary General
This post was sourced from InterManager: View original article here.