All stakeholders in the maritime sector should take a proactive stance to the subject of environment, said Arsenio Dominguez, chairman of the IMO’s marine environment protection committee, in a speech in Copenhagen today.
He added that stakeholders also need to help the sector to reach stated objectives rather than to blame each other for difficulties.
The IMO’s aim is to listen to all stakeholders and to take their views into consideration before proposing new rules, he said. “But if the IMO tries to take a balanced view, it is blamed for not being proactive. If it is that, like in the case of sulphur (emission rules), then it is too aspirational. And if it introduces revision clauses, then it is creating uncertainty,” he said in a keynote speech on sustainable shipping that was part of Danish Maritime Days.
He urged those countries that have developed good practices to implement maritime rules and regulations to reach out and offer their help to the ones that are struggling in these matters rather than to blame them for being laggards.
“It’s easy to play the blaming game and be negative – let’s be proactive all,” he concluded.
This post was sourced from IHS Maritime 360: View the original article here.