Rickmers Group is pleased to report the release of its managed container vessel Maersk Tigris with 24 crewmembers on board. The vessel has been officially released by Iranian authorities following an order from the court in Bandar Abbas, Iran. Earlier Maersk Line put up a security in relation to the underlying court case.
All crew are in a good condition. The news has been conveyed to the families of the seafarers.
The release follows after the seizure of the ship by Iran on April 28 whilst sailing in the Strait of Hormuz on a commercial voyage from Jeddah to Jebel Ali. The management of Rickmers Group and everyone in the company is delighted that the vessel is no longer held under Iranian control and its valued seafarers are able to resume their normal life and continue their voyage.
Rickmers Group wishes to thank all the international authorities and professionals that have advised the company during the time Maersk Tigris was held up in Iran. Rickmers Group would also like to thank the seafarers of the vessel for their very professional and calm handling of the situation.
Maersk Tigris will continue its scheduled voyage to Jebel Ali where representatives of Rickmers Group and other relevant parties will attend the crew and the vessel. We will be talking to the crew members individually and providing support suitable to each person’s wishes and situation. These arrangements will remain private.
This post was sourced from InterManager: View original article here.