By MarEx 2015-05-18 21:11:22
The U.S. House of Representatives passed the Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2015 (H.R. 1987) by a unanimous voice vote on Monday. Congressman John Garamendi (D-Fairfield, CA), Ranking Member of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure’s Subcommittee on the Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation, co-authored this bipartisan legislation and welcomed its passage.
The bill supports and strengthens the Coast Guard in its critical missions to save lives, safeguard our shores, and protect marine resources. “Some of the Coast Guard’s legacy cutters are fifty years old. These vessels are well beyond their estimated service life and have become increasingly unreliable and much more expensive to maintain and repair. We can, and we should, do better by our Coast Guard,” says Garamendi.
“The authorized funding levels for the Acquisitions, Construction and Improvement Account in this legislation will allow the Coast Guard to keep this recapitalization initiative on track.
“America’s Coast Guard and Merchant Marine play an indispensible role in our national security and economic prosperity. This bipartisan legislation supports their work and I applaud its passage,” said Garamendi. “H.R. 1987 would provide crucial budget stability for our Coast Guard, strengthening its ability to recapitalize its offshore fleets of ships and aircraft.
“The funding level, while far from ideal, will support this recapitalization and help the Coast Guard meet more of its mission goals. The bill also helps us find and implement best practices for meeting personnel needs, measuring performance and using new technology.”
Garamendi believes the bill directs the Secretary of Transportation to develop guidelines to promote the use of U.S. flag ships and U.S. mariners in the imminent export of LNG.
Details of the bill are available here.
This post was sourced from Maritime Executive: View original article here.